Viewing, copying, moving and deleting files
ls | Display the contents of the current directory |
ls -a | Display also hidden files and hidden directories |
cp srcfilename /path/destfilename | Copy srcfilename into directory /path with name destfilename |
cp -r /dir/name /path/dir/name | Copy the entire directory /name into /path/dir/name |
rm name | Remove a file or directory called name |
rm -r name | Remove an entire directory as well as its included files and subdirectories |
mv filename /path/dir_name | Move file:filename into directory:/path/dir_name |
mv oldfilename1 newfilename2 | Rename oldfilename1 to newfilename2 |
cat myfile.txt | Display myfile.txt contents to screen |
more myfile.txt | Display contents of myfile.txt in pages Press spacebar to view next page |
head myfile.txt | Display first 10 lines of myfile.txt |
head -15 impfile.file | Display first 15 lines of impfile.file |
tail filename | Display last 10 lines of filename |
tail -15 filename | Display last 15 lines filename |
pwd | Display current working directory |
cd /path/dir/name | Change directory to /path/dir/name |
cd .. | Go directory up one step |
mkdir dir_name | Create directory dir_name |
rmdir dir_name | Delete directory dir_name |
I'll bring you guys with more commands and try not to overload. Meanwhile keep on practicing :)