Saturday, June 25, 2016

OpenSIPS mi_xmlrpc_ng Interfacing

OpenSIPS 2.2: Creating WebAPI 

OpenSIPS has multiple modules to interact with it in realtime. Sometimes we need to pull information out of the proxy and sometimes we need to insert, or check status of other modules. 

Here is a list of module which can be used to achieve the objective:

MI_DATAGRAMDATAGRAM (unix and network) support for Management Interfacestable
MI_FIFOFIFO support for Management Interfacestable
MI_HTTPHTTP support for Management Interfacestable
MI_JSONJSON support via HTTP GET for Management Interfacebeta
MI_XMLRPC_NGXMLRPC support for Management Interfacebeta

In my last blog on this topic I showed how to use module MI_XMLRPC to monitor the status of OpenSIPS: Read it here. That mi_xmlrpc module is now obsolete and a newer module mi_xmlrpc_ng has taken its place. 

Today we will use the new module with OpenSIPS and see how we can query our server from the internet to do something. 

First we need to know what we require to get started.

1 - HTTPD module, and MI_XMLRPC_NG module installed with OpenSIPS 2.2
2 - Apache2/ httpd running on the Server.

OpenSIPS' HTTPD module is a requirement since this module provides the web related backend to its other modules.

Lets load up this module into our opensips.cfg

loadmodule ""
modparam("httpd", "ip", "")
modparam("httpd", "port", 8887)
modparam("httpd", "buf_size", 524288)
modparam("httpd", "post_buf_size", 4096)

Next we need to load mi_xmlrpc_ng module.

loadmodule ""
modparam("mi_xmlrpc_ng", "http_root", "mybox")

The root directory 'mybox' can be anything and it does not represent any folder in the operating system. That infact tells us that when we start up our OpenSIPS the port for http will be 8887, and the web root directory allocated for mi_xmlrpc_ng module would be 'mybox' .

Web API script

Next we need to create the script that will be responsible to collect Requests from internet and then pass them to OpenSIPS, return data if any. 

This script can be written in any language, Pythin, PHP, Perl, GoLang, Ruby, whatever your language of choice for creating a web-api is use is. I'd kept it simple and use PHP.

Complete script link:

Copy the script into your Apache2 webroot directory , say file 'webapi.php'


$opensip_ip = '';
//Should use the same HTTPD PORT as declared in opensips.cfg
$opensip_xmlrpc_port = '8887';
//Should use the same webroot as declared in mi_xmlrpc_ng module parameters
$xmlrpc_root = 'mybox';

$count = 0;
$web_req = 0;
if(isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['method'])){
 foreach($_GET as $key => $value)
  if($key == 'method') { 
   $method = $value;
  if(preg_match("/^param\d$/",$key)) {
   $param[] = $value;

 $web_req = 1;
} else {
 foreach ($argv as $arg) {
   $method =  $arg;
  else if($count>1) {  
   $param[] = $arg;
$request = xmlrpc_encode_request($method,$param);
$context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array(
    'method' => "POST",
    'header' => "Content-Type: text/xml",
    'content' => $request
// Dispatchs Request to Local OpenSIPS instance
$server = 'http://'.$opensip_ip.':'.$opensip_xmlrpc_port.'/'.$xmlrpc_root;

//Collect Result from opensips module
$file = file_get_contents($server, false, $context);

//Decode the XML into Array
$response = xmlrpc_decode($file);
if (is_array($response)) {
 /* We can filter and sort Output here to do whatever you want to do */
 /* if($method == 'ul_show_contact') {
  Then filter only the required fields to be sent back
 } else if ($method == 'ds_list') {
  Then filter the output to show only the active servers
 if($web_req == 0) {
 }else if($web_req == 1) {

function RecursiveWrite($array) {
    foreach ($array as $key => $vals) {
 } else {
  print "$key $vals\n";

Now, make sure your opensips is restarted to include the new module, make sure your server is able to listen to the web requests. Time to send requests to our OpenSIPS.

Open your browser and paste the following URL to find if a particular suer is Online or Not.


Little Explanation:

method = MI command to query the user location status
param1 = The database table where the User Registrations are stored.
param2 = The AoR to find if Online

You can add as many param as you want , param3, param4...paramN depending if the MI command needs or not.

If a command requires no parameter then don't add any for example:

To get Statistics:

OpenSIPS Modules: How to read what command has how many parameters ?

Take example of Load-Balancer module:
The function lb_relaod has no parameters:
So my URL would be:

But the function lb_resize takes 3 parameteres:
  11   /*dstination id*/
  voicemail  /*resource name*/
  56   /* new resource capacity*/
For above the URL would be:

Thats pretty much all, thanks for reading. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

FreeSWITCH mod_xml_curl With mod_callcenter

FreeSWITCH Loading Queues from Database

This has been a long due post waiting in my drafts for above two years now. This was done right after when I finished loading SIP users from Database in this blog post.

I always found myself at trouble when FreeSWITCH's MOD_XML_CURL was named together with loading configurations but as soon as I gave it a shot it became very easy and interesting. 

Here is how to get started with loading queue from Database in just few minutes. 

Here is what we need to get started:

1 - Database table containing Queue's parameters.
2 - A WebServer containing our DB-to-XML converter code
3 - FreeSWITCH with mod_xml_curl installed and configured.

Creating Table for Queue Parameters 

So, first things first lets create a simple Database table:

root@DBSERVER:# su - postgres
postgres@DBSERVER:~$ psql
psql (9.4.6)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \c freeswitch_configs
You are now connected to database "freeswitch_configs" as user "postgres".

queue_id  serial primary key,
name VARCHAR(255) not null,
strategy VARCHAR(100) default 'longest-idle-agent',
moh_sound VARCHAR(255) default 'local_stream://moh',
announce_sound VARCHAR(255) default NULL,
announce_frequency VARCHAR(5) default NULL,
time_base_score VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'queue' ,
tier_rules_apply VARCHAR(25) DEFAULT 'false',
tier_rule_wait_second VARCHAR(4) DEFAULT '300',
tier_rule_wait_multiply_level VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT 'true',
tier_rule_no_agent_no_wait VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'false',
discard_abandoned_after VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT '60',
abandoned_resume_allowed VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT 'false',
max_wait_time VARCHAR(25) DEFAULT '0',
max_wait_time_with_no_agent VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '0',
max_wait_time_with_no_agent_time_reached VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '0',
record_template VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL

Once Table is created you can go ahead and create some queues in it via INSERT statements.

Setting up WebServer

Alright, we've some queues defined into our database table. Now, is the time to create a web service which will query the Database and pull required configurations. Once configurations are found for a queue we will put them nicely into the required XML format and reply back.

Take the PHP sample code from my github repo:

Configure the Database IP, Port, User, and Password as required and make sure there is no error in it.
Once this is ready and running we can query to this web service and see that it returns an Error XML if no queue name is passed to it.

Test it:

If everything is configured properly and Queue: MyQueueName exists then it should print a fine XML - if that doesn't happen then check your PHP code, PHP PDO extension for PGSQL and verify that port is accessible and webserver is running. 

Configuring MOD_XML_CURL

Assuming mod_xml_curl is installed on your FreeSwitch server now its time to configure its module xml_curl to pull configurations from webserver instead of local file.

root@FREESWITCH1:# cd /usr/local/freeswitch/conf
root@FREESWITCH1:conf# cd autoload_configs/
root@FREESWITCH1:autoload_configs# vim xml_curl.conf.xml

<configuration name="xml_curl.conf" description="cURL XML Gateway">
    <binding name="configuration">         
      <param name="gateway-url" value="http://WEBSERVER/freeswitch/getconfig.php" bindings="configuration"/>

Ensure that there are no other configuration binding to conflict here.

Save and exit. Go inside freeswitch console and reload mod_xml_curl

root@FREESWITCH1:# fs_cli
fs_cli>reload mod_xml_curl 
+OK Reloading XML
+OK module unloaded
+OK module loaded

All set, now we are ready to load Queues from Database directly. To test things out issue this command

freeswitch@internal> callcenter_config queue load MynewQueue
freeswitch@internal> callcenter_config queue list

To debug XML Curl

freeswitch@internal> xml_curl debug_on

freeswitch@internal> callcenter_config queue load NOTMYQUEUE
-ERR Invalid Queue not found!

2016-03-28 19:32:21.128783 [CONSOLE] mod_xml_curl.c:323 XML response is in /tmp/3337e053-077c-4f39-9c3f-0805c4896851.tmp.xml

root@FREESWITCH1:# cat /tmp/3337e053-077c-4f39-9c3f-0805c4896851.tmp.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<document type="freeswitch/xml">
<section name="result"><result status="not found" />


So, now we see how simple it is to pull configurations from Database - for a practice try this all with Conferences