Thursday, May 17, 2012

Installing OpenSIPS on Ubuntu-Server 11.04 (Natty)

OpenSIPS is a SIP server, I don't think I can explain this all myself so copying from the project's main page

What OpenSIPS is
OpenSIPS (Open SIP Server) is a mature Open Source implementation of a SIP server. OpenSIPS is more than a SIP proxy/router as it includes application-level functionalities. OpenSIPS, as a SIP server, is the core component of any SIP-based VoIP solution. With a very flexible and customizable routing engine,OpenSIPS 'unifies voice, video, IM and presence services in a highly efficient way, thanks to its scalable (modular) design.
What OpenSIPS has to offer, comes in a reliable and high-performance flavour - OpenSIPS is one of the fastest SIP servers, with a throughput that confirms it as a solution up to enterprise or carrier-grade class.

Now moving onwards with steps to install the SIP server.

First update the repository and package indexes to install the latest available pakcages.

root@OSIPS_SBC# apt-get update
Install the required libraries/packages
root@OSIPS_SBC# apt-get install build-essential openssl bison flex mysql-server libmysqlclient16 libmysqlclient-dev libsctp-dev openssl libssl-dev libradiusclient-ng-dev libxml2-dev libxml2 libconfuse0 libconfuse-dev libdb-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libcurl3 libpostgresql-ocaml-dev libpq-dev unixodbc-dev libpcre3-dev libexpat1-dev libjson0-dev libmemcached-dev libmemcache-dev libxmlrpc-c3-dev libgeoip-dev python-dev libsnmp-dev 

Download and extract opensips source tarball

root@OSIPS_SBC# wget
root@OSIPS_SBC# tar zxvf opensips-1.7.2_src.tar.gz 
root@OSIPS_SBC# cd opensips-1.7.2-tls/

UPDATE: The newer OpenSIPS version (1.8 onwards) don't need to edit Makefile and select the packages like below. Visit the lastes blog-post on OpenSIPS+Cassandra Integration to see how that works. (Hint: make menuconfig)

Edit "Makefile" to include your required modules.

root@Osips-SBC# vim Makefile

Uncomment the following lines to enable their functionality.

Include modules to be installed.

Comment out this all directive:

exclude_modules?= b2b_logic jabber cpl-c xmpp rls \
mi_xmlrpc xcap_client db_mysql db_postgres db_unixodbc \
db_oracle db_berkeley aaa_radius osp perl snmpstats \
perlvdb carrierroute mmgeoip presence presence_xml presence_mwi \ presence_dialoginfo pua pua_bla pua_mi pua_usrloc \ 
pua_xmpp pua_dialoginfo ldap h350 identity regex memcached \ db_http json python dialplan

it should look something like this,

exclude_modules?= osp db_oracle \

#exclude_modules?= b2b_logic jabber cpl-c xmpp rls \
#mi_xmlrpc xcap_client db_mysql db_postgres db_unixodbc \
#db_oracle db_berkeley aaa_radius osp perl snmpstats \
#perlvdb carrierroute mmgeoip presence presence_xml\ 
#presence_mwi presence_dialoginfo pua pua_bla pua_mi \ 
#pua_usrloc pua_xmpp pua_dialoginfo ldap h350 identity \
#regex memcached db_http json python dialplan

I've excludede modules for osp and oracle db , as we don;t need those.

save and exit.
Now compile and install OpenSIPS

root@Osips-SBC# make all 
root@Osips-SBC# make install 
Copy default and the int.d startup scripts to relevant directories.
root@Osips-SBC# cd packaging/debian
root@Osips-SBC# cp opensips.default /etc/default/opensips
Edit the default file:
root@Osips-SBC# vim /etc/default/opensips 
Save and Exit

root@Osips-SBC# cp opensips.init /etc/init.d/opensips
Verify the binary directory of opensips package
root@Osips-SBC# ls /usr/local/sbin/opensips

should show you this output

Edit /etc/init.d/opensips to know the path of the opensips executable binary

root@Osips-SBC# vim /etc/init.d/opensips


Create opensips user
root@Osips-SBC# useradd -d /etc/opensips -s /sbin/nologin opensips

SCTP module is required to be loaded in kernel before starting opensips, since e compiled opensips with SCTP support.

root@Osips-SBC# modprobe sctp

START opensips

root@Osips-SBC# /etc/init.d/opensips start
if you get this error:

grep: /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg: No such file or directory
Starting opensips: opensips already running.

Execute the following command.( but first do check with "/var/log/syslog" what is your error.I got error on different configurations directory so I created an symbolic link.)

root@Osips-SBC# ln -s /usr/local/etc/opensips /etc/

Create Database for opensips

root@Osips-SBC# cd /usr/local/etc/opensips 
root@Osips-SBC# vim opensipsctlrc

Save and Exit
root@Osips-SBC# opensipsdbctl create

MySQL password for root:
INFO: test server charset
INFO: creating database opensips ...
INFO: Core OpenSIPS tables succesfully created.
Install presence related tables? (y/n): y
INFO: creating presence tables into opensips ...
INFO: Presence tables succesfully created.
Install tables for imc cpl siptrace domainpolicy carrierroute userblacklist? (y/n): y
INFO: creating extra tables into opensips ...
INFO: Extra tables succesfully created.

Now, Start opensips
root@Osips-SBC# /etc/init.d/opensips start
Starting opensips: opensipsListening on
             udp: []:5060
             udp: []:5060
             tcp: []:5060
             tcp: []:5060
             sctp: []:5060
             sctp: []:5060
             sctp: Osips-SBC:5060
             sctp: localhost:5060
             tcp: Osips-SBC:5060
             tcp: localhost:5060
             udp: Osips-SBC:5060
             udp: localhost:5060

The "." here signifies that opensips has actually started. If you see anything else like "opensips has started" or "opensips is already running" then see log file for errors.

Verify that opensips is running
root@Osips-SBC# ps -ef | grep opensips

opensips  1140     1  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips

opensips  1147  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1148  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1149  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1150  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1151  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1152  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1153  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1154  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1155  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1156  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1157  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1158  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1159  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1160  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1161  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1162  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1163  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1164  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1165  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1166  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1167  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1168  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1169  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
opensips  1170  1140  0 14:16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/opensips -P /var/run/opensips/ -m 64 -u opensips -g opensips
root      1175  1274  0 14:20 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto opensips

Thats all, you've successfully installed OpenSIPS. Now I'll try to upload some configurations sample file for load-balancing multiple Media-Servers(Asterisks/FreeSWITCH) servers using OpenSIPS.


  1. missing -> chmod +x /etc/init.d/opensips

  2. These libraries need to be installed for opensips 1.8

    #apt-get install librabbitmq-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libtolua-dev

  3. Help me!
    root@nokia-VirtualBox:/#opensipsdbctl create
    ERROR: database engine not specified, please setup one in the config script

    Thanks very much!

  4. I really hope that youdidn't miss this step:

    root@Osips-SBC# vim opensipsctlrc
    save and exit

    Make sure you've mysql-client and server installed

    If you've already done this, then are you installing opensips 1.8 !?

    1. Thanks Gohar Ahmed, and if I use command opensipsctl start:
      ERROR: PID file /var/run/opensips/ does not exist -- OpenSIPS start failed
      Thanks very much!

    2. Hey there,
      I think a few lines from log will help me find the issue for you. I'd say you should try to start opensips with the init.d script rather opensipsctl command.

      #/etc/init.d/opensips start

      if you don't see the "." appearing after the above command then you definitely need to see the log file for errors.

      #tailf -n 60 /var/log/syslog [Ubuntu]
      #tailf -n 60 /var/log/messages [CentOS]

      that'll show you last 60 lines in the standard log file.

    3. Thanks you!
      And I'm trying to make calls using x-lite software. But can't seem to connect to port 5060. Please help me. Thanks a lot.

    4. thanks Gohar Ahmed very much
      can you help me?please
      root@ubuntu:~# /etc/init.d/opensips start
      Starting opensips: opensipsListening on
      udp: []:5060
      udp: []:5060
      tcp: []:5060
      tcp: []:5060
      sctp: []:5060
      sctp: []:5060
      sctp: ubuntu.local:5060
      sctp: localhost:5060
      tcp: ubuntu.local:5060
      tcp: localhost:5060
      udp: ubuntu.local:5060
      udp: localhost:5060

      already running.
      root@ubuntu:~# /etc/init.d/opensips status
      Status of opensips: opensips is not running.
      root@ubuntu:~# tailf -n 60 /var/log/syslog
      ubuntu rtkit-daemon[2152]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.

      ubuntu pulseaudio[2224]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.
      ubuntu ntpdate[1430]: step time server offset -2.488360 sec
      ubuntu NetworkManager[783]: (eth0): IP6 addrconf timed out or failed.

      ubuntu gnome-session[2347]: WARNING: Session 'ubuntu' runnable check failed: Exited with code 1

      ubuntu dbus[428]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.UDisks' (using servicehelper)
      ubuntu dbus[428]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.UDisks'
      ubuntu goa[2717]: goa-daemon version 3.4.0 starting [main.c:112, main()]
      ubuntu dbus[428]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.PackageKit' (using servicehelper)
      ubuntu AptDaemon: INFO: Initializing daemon
      ubuntu AptDaemon.PackageKit: INFO: Initializing PackageKit compat layer
      ubuntu dbus[428]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.PackageKit'
      ubuntu AptDaemon.PackageKit: INFO: Initializing PackageKit transaction

      ubuntu opensips: INFO:core:init_tcp: using epoll_lt as the TCP io watch method (auto detected)
      ubuntu /usr/local/sbin/opensips[2922]: NOTICE:core:main: version: opensips 1.7.2-tls (i386/linux)
      ubuntu /usr/local/sbin/opensips[2922]: INFO:core:main: using 128 Mb shared memory

      ubuntu /usr/local/sbin/opensips[2922]: ERROR:core:sctp_server_init: socket: Socket type not supported [94]
      ubuntu opensips: INFO:core:daemonize: pre-daemon process exiting with -1

      [1]+ Stopped tailf -n 60 /var/log/syslog
      root@ubuntu:~# opensipsctl start

      INFO: Starting OpenSIPS :

      ERROR: PID file /var/run/opensips/ does not exist -- OpenSIPS start failed

    5. ubuntu /usr/local/sbin/opensips[2922]: ERROR:core:sctp_server_init: socket: Socket type not supported [94]

      Thats your problem. Let me share whats in my mind.

      1- You forgot to load the sctp module i,e #modprobe sctp
      2- You din't install the sctp library and compile opensips with sctp.
      3- The possibility for this is that you followed multiple tutorials on installing opensips and probably mixed everything up and somehow forgot few steps from each.

      I'd alsorequest to reply back if your problems get solved here, this will help any other readers looking for same issues. Thanks.

  5. thank you very much, my opensips was running and has not error. But, when i restart my computer. opensips is not running. why?help me, please

    1. if your opensips is running with init.d/opensips script then you should try adding this line.

      #chkconfig opensips on

    2. root@ubuntu:~# opensipsctl monitor
      ERROR: Error opening OpenSIPS's FIFO /tmp/opensips_fifo
      ERROR: Make sure you have the line 'modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo")' in your config
      ERROR: and also have loaded the mi_fifo module.

    3. 1- Make sure you have the line 'modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/opensips_fifo")' in your config file (opensips.cfg)

      2- Edit the opensipsctlrc file located in the same directory as of opensips.cfg and make sure it's FIFO path is uncommented and is same as 1.

      then run the command and it should work.

    4. thank so much
      #opensipsctl monitor
      [cycle #: 11; if constant make sure server lives]
      Server:: OpenSIPS (1.7.2-tls (i386/linux))
      Now:: Sat Aug 4 08:57:47 2012
      Up since:: Sat Aug 4 08:56:40 2012
      Up time:: 67 [sec]

      Transaction Statistics:
      tm:UAS_transactions = 0
      tm:UAC_transactions = 0
      tm:inuse_transactions = 0

      Stateless Server Statistics:
      sl:sent_replies = 0
      sl:sent_err_replies = 0
      sl:received_ACKs = 0

      UsrLoc Stats:
      usrloc:registered_users = 0
      usrloc:location-users = 0
      usrloc:location-contacts = 0
      usrloc:location-expires = 0

  6. Typo int he following line int.d should be init.d (:

    Copy default and the int.d startup scripts to relevant directories.

  7. I have error:

    ERROR: could not load the script in /usr/local/lib/opensips/opensipsctl/opensipsdbctl.mysql for database engine MYSQL
    ERROR: database engine not loaded - tried 'MYSQL'


    1. That happens for OpenSIPS 1.8 version. I've faced this issue in my newer installations. I'll post updated installer instructions someday.

    2. Do post this issue in opensips mailing list because a lot of other people face the same issue and that will get it fixed once and for all.

    3. Instead of ``` make install ```, you might want to try ``` make install include_modules="db_mysql" ```.

    4. Gregory, that too is one way of installing a module in opensips but, The issue he is talking about is that when executing the script "opensipcdbctl create" the DB schema is not found.

      The solution would be to manually locate the missing .mysql file in sources directory and place it to a location where the script is searching for.

    5. @Sammy Go. Gregory A. Lussier is right . it worked for me.
      your method worked too , but in my case there's another problem to fix related to mysql script

  8. hi, Recently installed opensips sever which running smoothly on TCP connections, but users cannot register on UDP connections

    here my Log, have a look.

    Feb 26 01:48:28 root opensips: WARNING:core:warn: warning in config file /usr/local/opensips_proxy/e tc/opensips/opensips_residential_2014-2-24_6:42:29.cfg, line 51, column 13-16: tls support not compiled in
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root opensips: INFO:core:init_tcp: using epoll_lt as the TCP io watch method (auto detected)
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: NOTICE:core:main: version: opensips 1.8.3-notls (x86_64/linux)
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:core:main: using 32 Mb shared memory
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:core:main: using 2 Mb private memory per process
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: NOTICE:signaling:mod_init: initializing module ...
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:sl:mod_init: Initializing StateLess engine
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:tm:mod_init: TM - initializing...
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:rr:mod_init: rr - initializing
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:maxfwd:mod_init: initializing...
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:sipmsgops:mod_init: initializing...
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:usrloc:ul_init_locks: locksarray size 512
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:registrar:mod_init: initializing...
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:acc:mod_init: initializing...
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:auth:mod_init: initializing...
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:auth_db:mod_init: initializing...
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:dialog:mod_init: Dialog module - initializing
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:core:probe_max_sock_buff: using rcv buffer of 480 kb
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:core:probe_max_sock_buff: using snd buffer of 480 kb
    Feb 26 01:48:28 root /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[6788]: INFO:core:init_sock_keepalive: -- TCP keepalive enabled on socket

    Feb 26 01:48:28 root opensips: INFO:core:daemonize: pre-daemon process exiting with 0

    from this I could understand that opensips pre-deamon is exiting with 0, means all modules initialized successfully and have no error !

    when i start opensips
    root #/etc/init.d/opensips start

    Starting opensips: Listening on

    udp: []:5060

    tcp: []:5060


    from this i could understand opensips running properly and also listening to both TCP and UDP. but I can't figure out this weird problem, why users could not register on UDP. Any helpful mind will be appreciated ... !!

    1. check with firewall and your local ports being blocked by ISP probably ??

  9. Hi,
    I installed 1.8 its working fine,once i rebooted,i have following errors

    Mar 12 01:25:36 genius-PI945GCM opensips: INFO:core:init_tcp: using epoll_lt as the TCP io watch method (auto detected)
    Mar 12 01:25:36 genius-PI945GCM opensips: ERROR:core:daemonize: unable to create pid file /var/run/opensips/ No such file or directory
    Mar 12 01:25:36 genius-PI945GCM opensips: INFO:core:daemonize: pre-daemon process exiting with -1

    1. Although I believe the error is someplace else and possible above this error in the log file, but what do you think if it can't create a file there what could be the causes?

      1- The directory doesn't exist ? /var/run/opensips/
      2- The permissions aren't set ?

  10. Hi,

    any advise how can i solve this issue?

    [root@mawar1 ~]# opensipsctl restart

    INFO: Restarting OpenSIPS :
    ERROR: No PID file found (/var/run/opensips/! OpenSIPS probably not running
    INFO: Starting OpenSIPS :
    ERROR: PID file /var/run/opensips/ does not exist -- OpenSIPS start failed


  11. Hey, You need to see what error your OpenSIPS is printing in the syslog/messages log file. That's why it is failing to start up.

  12. Hi Gohar,

    I have already setup OpenSIPS on Ubuntu 12.04. Everything looks good so far since the opensips control panel is accessible. I am able to add a domain and users with no issues and they all show up on the actual database in the server.

    Currently I am running into issues using Zoiper and 3CX apps to add users to make some test calls. Looks to be like a communication issue. I turned off firewalls and such.

    What i noticed in my setup when starting opensips with /etc/init.d/opensips start, it shows as "already running" and when I do /etc/init.d/opensips status, it says that it is not running.

    My logs don't really show much either.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated and thank you very much for your help!

    - jota

  13. Hi Gohar Ahmed,

    I install opensip1.11 and mysql 5.5(server/client) everything work fine but when i try to create database for opensips like your step. I can't find the directory

    "" root@asterisk11:~# cd /usr/local/etc/
    root@asterisk11:/usr/local/etc# ls
    root@asterisk11:/usr/local/etc# ls -l
    total 0
    root@asterisk11:/usr/local/etc# ""

    it appear that not have "opensips and opensipsctlrc" in this directory.

    Did i miss some step or done somethings wrong?
    Please help me Sir.
